In the examples we saw there is a link between each image. The same objects are used but in the next photo it would be zoomed out and another dimension will be introduced.
From image to image the objects are seen in a new light. In the sequence we start at a large pair of glasses and small chair, it is then seen in the top half of the oven in the next image, this oven is then seen on the small circular mirror. Next another mirror is used to see that the circular mirror is on the table in which the reflection of the oven is still seen. We then see this image is actually a photograph in someones hand. This has then been shattered as if it actually was a mirror.
The links between the images in the sequence creates curiosity from the viewer, wanting to see the connection from image to image and spot its significance.
In this sequence he has introduced a circular narrative, starting and ending at the same image. The significance of the first photograph is only realized at the end.
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