Saturday, 29 September 2012

Different Types of Narrative

During the briefing we discussed different types of narrative, some of these I was familiar with and some not. I have done some research into these as it may prove helpful when establishing my own narrative.

Tableau/ Tableau Vivant
These are often captured in a single image. In these types of narratives people take on persona's to display a desired narrative. Tableau Vivant translated means “living picture”.  I have come across Tableau vivant in the past when looking at the early years of photography. 

Linear Narrative
These narratives (which I will doing in one of the assignments) are in chronological order, so therefore have a beginning, middle and end, these types of narratives are often found in books.

Non Linear Narrative
This is when the information the audience receives is controlled by its creator. For example scenes could rewind, go forward or be paused.

Open Structure
An open structure is when the audience is left wondering what happens next and often they make sense of it themselves.

Closed Structure
This is when the narrative has a definite ending/ clear conclusion.       
There are many examples of these types of narratives, many of them in films. I have made a list of some examples given to us in the briefing and will watch a couple of these for inspiration in the next few weeks. 

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